Navigating the international exchange of plant genetic resources amidst biosecurity challenges: experiences of IITA in Africa
Year published: 2016

Exante economic impact assessment of genetically modified banana resistant to Xanthomonas wilt in the great lakes region of Africa
Ainembabazi, J. H., Tripathi, L., Rusike, J., Abdoulaye, T., & Manyong, V. (2015).
Year published: 2016

Navigating the international exchange of plant genetic resources amidst biosecurity challenges: experiences of IITA in Africa
Year published: 2016

Genetically engineered crops in developing countries
Alleviation of poverty in developing countries continues to be the main target for scientists as well as administrators. Genetically engineered (GE) crops initially were developed to benefit large scale commercial outfits.
Year published: 2015
A 5-Day Hands-on Molecular Biology Techniques Workshop Training Dates: Nov 13 - 17, 2023 for more detail...
IITA Bioscience Center is currently hosting a training on Basic Hands-on Molecular Biology Techniques Workshop...
The new frontier for agricultural innovation is genome editing and IITA is already leading the way by using...
The IITA Bioscience Center organized a training program for 41 students of Afe Babalola University, from the...